
Such a delight to share time with you Gail. Like I mentioned over in notes, I sometimes grow tired of hearing myself say the same things over and over again regarding Unfixed, but you have a special knack for refreshing my brain and bringing everything out into a new light. Thank you thank you for your generous, wise heart. I so loved this time with you and will be sharing this to my newsletter on Sunday!

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Ditto x 100. Sometimes a different set of questions can give us a new perspective on old ideas. Thrilled to get to talk and share for a second time. Can we collaborate again sometime, pretty please?!?

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Yes please!!!! I live for collaborations so when the inspiration strikes either of us, let’s make it happen. Sooner than later.:)

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Sep 17Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

What a delightful interview! Truly.

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Thank you so much, Sarah. I’ve been enjoying your work from afar and would like to be more connected…just moved and life is a jumble, but I am looking forward to more overlap between our writing lives!!!

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I second that, Gail! Bigtime.

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Thank you Sarah! So glad you enjoyed it. Now heading over to your page to learn more about you.😉

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Sep 16Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

There was so much I enjoyed about this conversation. But something Kimberly said close to the start really stuck out:

Letting the season change me as it changes — was the gist of it. And it was something I really related to because for so long I’ve always resisted winter, but the one that just passed (down here in Australia) was the first time I tried to actively embrace this change so much so that I let it alter my behaviour. :)

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Michael, I had actually forgotten that Kimberly said this; I’m grateful you pointed it out. I believe that allowing ourselves to be changed by something could be the MOST vulnerable choice we have. Thank you so much for sharing our conversation and your thoughts about it.

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I forgot I had said it too! ;)

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Oh wonderful Michael! Living in harmony with the seasons is such a natural thing to do. I mean, all of life does it —except humans—so I figured, why not us too? Thanks for listening and sharing your thoughts. I always appreciate you here!

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Sep 17Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

Yes exactly, why should we act different to the rest of life.

Thanks Kimberly :)

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Sep 16Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

Your ‘baby’, Unfixed Media. You artistically created a massive heart, filled to capacity, where there used to be a gaping wound. Overflowing with stories of ordinary people under extraordinary circumstances. Working hard to set the stage , then slip behind the curtain, and take a seat along with the rest of us . With honesty, sincerity and compassion. I would use these same words to define your memoir, though I would add ,heart warming and heart wrenching; riveting.

“Find what lights you up”

I love this statement. Maybe not in the context that it was meant for, but a beautiful life lesson to tuck in my pocket to carry with me. Gail, you have a wonderful style of interviewing. By asking Kimberly just the right questions, in a very unassuming way, you sat back and let her ‘run’ with it. Ultimately, we were able to see her relaxed , a peek into her personal life. What makes her happy in her own surroundings. What are her hopes .

(Jeez Kimberly, fellow introvert over here ( I’m raising my hand). Think I’ll happily go back to my wall flower position, much too bright in the spotlight. Sincerely overwhelmed in appreciation. Shedding a tear, (or maybe I spilled a glass of water) was the least expected response from this interview).

Gail, after the last interview, you and I ‘talked’ into the late hours of the night. Zack on the Rocks…The offer still stands; if you happen to kayak by on Crystal , stop by the dock to say hi. Kimberly has my email address.

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OMG-now the pieces are falling together. I am thrilled that you are the same person who gave Kim that fabulous online celebration!!! We just (3 days ago) moved from Vermont to Ottawa, ON, but I expect/hope to be returning somewhat frequently to Vermont. Would love to connect that way. And thank you for your luscious reflections about Kimberly and her incredible gift to the world. Seeing how others love her grows my own affection, admiration, and appreciation.

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Sep 18Liked by Gail Marlene Schwartz

Ottawa! That is quite a move! Hope you settle in comfortably. Make it your own, and find wonderful new friends. We are in the NEK , 6 months out of the year. Maybe I’ll meet you up here one day.

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Unfortunately Lor, you are a STUNNING wallflower that many are bowing to, shining a light on, because yours is too bright to ignore. Are you for real? Sometimes I must pinch myself. I feel the need to do a Banksy-esque documentary on you someday—this anonymous (other than sweet Ranger's face) human who once upon a time decided to enter Substack and paint insight, dedication, wisdom, camaraderie and love all over those fortunate souls she's chosen to read. Your presence is stupefying, your heart life-changing.

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Sep 15Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

thank you Gail for drawing out Kimberly here as who wouldn't want to be voyeur to her gentle honest goodness, careful reflection on how she came to writing and not surprising how it has led to the strongest connections of her life....so much in this, her story from the banjos on the wall to her mom

and always her modest reaching out to include applaud celebrate others, life...

now must soon watch her interview with you

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Apple, how can I thank you enough for your gracious presence here? Do you know just how much your contributions lift, embrace, and make me (many of us) smile with the unexpected delight of being part of this human family? You are a treasure. And so is Gail, so yes, you must listen to our previous conversation. She’s a beautiful layer cake of wisdom, ease and deep empathy.

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Appleton, what a pleasure to read you. I’m tickled that you got to experience this beautiful conversation between Kim and me. Thank you for articulating those particular moments and for your support. Looking forward to checking out your page as I’m fairly new to Substack!

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Sep 13Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

Thank you both so much, that was absolutely fascinating.

It's such a pleasure to hear about your relationship to Substack itself Kimberly, I feel very similarly, the building of trust with readers, the relationships and warmth that comes from writing on Substack, Lor (who is such a kind and supportive person/reader/human). It was really interesting to hear about your writing and your relationship to writing, and OMG yes, marketing is a nightmare, I can't even use Notes very well. Amazing to hear your reticence in describing yourself as a writer, and the strange way we all skirt about with this so-called Artist thing.

I know there's more but...well just to feel in the company of writers/film-makers talking about their experiences, it was just very rewarding, and encouraging to hear you, so thank you both again.

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Hi Jonathan, and so nice to read your lovely comment. It's a big love-fest here on Substack, right?!? Looking forward to checking out your work too! Thanks so much for engaging!

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Definitely check Jonathan’s writing out. He’s one of my favs over here.

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It's such a warm place here. I opened an account on Thread a few weeks back, just for The Crow, but the atmosphere on there is like a nightmare compared to here.

Thanks so much for the interview Gail, it was a pleasure. I'm also looking forward to your Sub.

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Thank you for listening Jonathan! Glad you felt a bit of solidarity with some of the things we shared. Gail creates a warm hearth so it was easy to share with her. :)

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Sep 16Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

Thanks Jonathan 🙏, but how do you know for sure I’m human? I might be a very intelligent canine. Just look at my photo .

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Sep 16Liked by Kimberly Warner, Gail Marlene Schwartz

I’m happy either way ;)

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Sep 18Liked by Gail Marlene Schwartz

What a lovely, sincere conversation. Kimberly is for sure an introvert whisperer. There should be a club for introvert dorks led by Kim! Hehe. I'll be the first in line to join!

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I’m in! I’m in! Can we get tee-shirts?!?

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Yeeeeeeeaaaah! The club will have the coolest or should I say dorkiest merch.

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